Soul Writing with Dr Sarah


Soul Bliss Retreat 2017 & Featured Blog by Tania Ho

listen… She will teach you Her ways © Mara Friedman –

‘Soul Bliss’ is the name Tania Ho (Founder of Museflower Spa) and I gave to our 2017 retreat. The intention was to enable participants to access and express their Soul’s Voice with Soul Writing and Shamanic methods.

It was a transformative and inspiring experience. I’d initially approached Tania about running Soul Writing Workshops at Museflower as my intuition knew that this idyllic paradise it Northern Thailand would be an ideal setting to facilitate people to connect to their inner worlds and access their inner voice and experience the bliss of being fully present and at one with ourselves.

Add to that yoga, qi gong, massages from heaven and the most delicious aquaponics grown healthy vegetarian food designed to nourish and make your mouth water by Museflower chef. We were blissed out inside-out!

Feedback was excellent and we’re really excited about running the ‘Soul Bliss Retreat’ again in 2018. Here’s a blog Tania wrote about the Soul’s Voice after the retreat:

Featured Blog: What is the Soul’s Voice? What does the Soul’s Voice sound like?

By Tania Ho

October 18, 2017

That was the very first topic we discussed in our first Museflower Soul Bliss Retreat: Let Your Soul Speak with Soul Writing and Meditation from 11-16 October. I had the honor to facilitate this retreat together with Sarah Walton, a friend whom I met through Museflower and a Soul Writing facilitator. There were only three of us in the retreat, but it has been such a wonderful and magical week, where I have given and received in equal amounts.
The purpose of the Museflower Soul Bliss Retreat is to allow participants to access and express their Soul’s Voice through various modalities, be it writing, coloring, chanting, moving, engaging our senses, or meditating.

The Soul’s Voice, in my opinion, is the intuition, the gut feeling, the inner teacher’s voice. It may sound different for each individual, but in general in the retreat group we shared that it is a loving and gentle voice, firm and powerful. The Soul’s Voice sometimes speaks in words, simple truths I call. Sometimes it may communicate in images, symbols, colors, shapes. Sometimes it may communicate in sensation, or just a knowing.

It is important to know how your Soul’s Voice sounds, because there are many voices inside us (it doesn’t mean you are schizophrenic so don’t worry). A very dominant voice for most people is our Inner Critic’s voice. The voice that tells you that you cannot do it, that you are not smart enough, that you are fat and ugly.

Where does this Inner Critic’s voice come from? Perhaps from our parents, our society, our teachers, our past experiences. Perhaps the original intention of this Inner Critic voice is to protect us from failures, mistakes, disappointments, and embarrassments. However, we usually allow the Inner Critic to completely take over, and yes perhaps we don’t make mistakes, but we also keep ourselves inside a box called comfort zone and never allow ourselves to grow or to truly succeed.

There may be other voices that influence our decisions. The voice of our mother, the voice of our father, the voice of our relatives, the voice of our peers, where all these voices make up of what we think others expect from us, and how we should act in this world.

So we are so used to listening to other voices instead of the one true voice, deep inside our hearts – the Soul’s Voice, our inner teacher, inner guru, that is already connected to the Universe’s and Earth’s wisdom.

This voice is like the inner GPS guidance system, that helps us to co-create the life we want, to express our authentic self, to enjoy what we love to do, to have the courage to embrace the unknown, and to really understand and know our true worth.

When we trust our Soul’s Voice, we will see that everything in our life will flow magically. It’s not to say that we will not have obstacles or challenges on the way. But once an obstacle or challenge surfaces, know that it’s because you are ready to learn that lesson, and all the solutions and answers are already within you.

It also doesn’t mean that we have to dispel the other voices and the Inner Critic inside of us. The point is that we have to learn how to turn up the volume of our Soul’s Voice. Acknowledge and embrace and thank the other voices. The Inner Critic also has its place inside us. It helps us to analyze, to critique, to review, to reflect. We may ask for its assistance from time to time, perhaps when we are editing a piece of writing, reviewing a business proposal, or evaluating a process.

As for the other voices from the society, from our parents and other people in our lives, know that the original intention comes from a need to protect, but the way the message is delivered and communicated may not have conveyed their true intention.

Now you know that there are many voices inside of us, it’s important to know how to distinguish between the Soul’s voice with the other voices present.

One really effective way is through meditation. As we meditate, we learn to observe our thoughts and the different voices going inside our head. In certain meditations, we also learn to connect to the Soul’s voice.

Another easy way is to journal. When we journal, we write and express how we feel honestly. That writing voice in the journal is a part of your true authentic voice.

Next step once we are able to identify our Soul’s Voice, is to trust this voice. Observe what happens when you do trust this voice, and when you do not. Make it a game, or an experiment for fun. When you see that things flow and unfold naturally because you trust the voice, or when you see things being stuck or you have to make extra efforts because you listen to your Inner Critic instead, this is the evidence then to learn which voice to trust.

What does Your Soul’s Voice sound like? Do you know how to distinguish your Soul’s Voice from other voices?

Feel free to share your feedback in our blog comments below or email Tania here.

Tania & Sarah on the last day of Museflower Soul Bliss Retreat 2017 – can you feel the blissed out vibes?

Lake Pavilion where we ran Soul Bliss & Soul Writing Retreat Sessions

Exotic flower bowls are prepared everyday around the spa

Categories: Creative Writing

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